
From Leo's Notes
Last edited on 30 December 2021, at 01:16.

Key bindings

vim bindings for movement. Use shift to move current row/column in that direction.

| - select all rows that match the current column. prepend 'g' to match all columns

\ - unselect all rows that match the current column

/ - search forward in current column, use 'g' for all columns

? - search backward in current column, use 'g' for all columns

n - jump to next match

" - to hide all that were not selected

F - histogram

- - hide column

gv - unhides all columns

_ - expands column to fit all visible text, prepend g to resize all columns

$ - column is currency

# - integer

% - float

@ - date

~ - string

+ - statistical aggregate option on this column

[ - sort ascending

] - sort descending

s - select row, use 'g' to select all rows

u - unselect row, use 'g' to deselect all rows

t - toggle row

^ - edit column name

! - key column