is one of those commands that can be quite arcane. Hopefully this article should clear things up with a brief list of basic uses.
Find Expressions
By File Type
Basic usage:
# find . -type [f - file|d - directory|l - links]
To find only normal files:
# find . -type f
To find both files and directories:
# find . -type f -o -type d
By filename
Basic usage:
# find . -name <term> # name - case sensitive
# find . -iname <term> # iname - case insensitive name
The term you pass in must match the entire file name. You can use * as a wild card.
For regex matching, use -regex
. The default regex used by find is emacs-regex. To define something else (like posix), use -regextype
To find a file named exactly 'confession.txt':
# find . -name confession.txt -type f
To find a directory named 'backup' or 'Backup':
# find . -iname backup -type d
To find a file with the format NNN-NNNN.txt where N is an integer:
# find . -regextype posix-egrep -regex ".?\/?[0-9]{3}-[0-9]{4}.txt"
By time (created, access, modified)
Basic usage:
# find . -[a - accessed|c - created|m - modified][time|min] <time>
where time is in days when used with time, or minutes when used with min.
To find files modified within 3 minutes ago:
# find . -mmin -3
To find files created within 1 day ago:
# find . -cmin -1
By Ownership (groups or user)
Basic usage:
# find . -[user|group] <name or id>
- find is able to find file owners by their username or user ID or by group name or group ID.
To find all files owned by leo:
# find . -user leo
You can mix and match the expressions discussed above with operators.
Operator | Description | Example | Notes |
( ) | Force precedence | ( -type f -o type d ) -a -name "exception.txt" | Both brackets must be surrounded by at least one space. When scripting, you may need to escape the brackets as \( \) .
! | not | ! -name "exception.txt" | Can also use -not |
-a | And | -type f -a -name "confession.txt" | This is the default operator and can be omitted. Can also use -and |
-o | Or | -name "confession.txt" -o -name "murder.txt" | Can also use -or |
Do things on match
Basic usage:
# find . -exec <command> {} \;
The {}
is substituted with the matching filename.
The \;
at the end denotes the end of the command passed to -exec
Move all .o files to /tmp/objects
# find . -iname "*.o" -exec mv {} /tmp/{} \;
The move command could be simplified so that the destination location is just a directory name (ie: -exec mv {} /tmp
). The example above was done to show that you can use {}
can be used more than once.
Convert all .php files into UTF-8 files
The following are two separate commands. Run them sequentially.
# find . -iname "*.php" -exec sh -c 'iconv -f cp1252 -t utf-8 {} > {}.utf8' \;
# for i in `(find . -name "*.utf8")`; do mv $i ${i/.utf8/}; done
Change the file mode for files to 644 and directories to 755
# find . -type f -exec chmod -v 644 {} \;
# find . -type d -exec chmod -v 755 {} \;
Finding bad permissions
You may also find files and directories without the permissions like so:
# find ! -perm 644 -type f -o ! -perm 755 -type d
Remove all broken symlinks
# find . -type l -! -exec test -e {} \; -print | while read i ; do rm -v $i ; done
Grepping for lines on match
Suppose you want to find all .htaccess
files and check if they have an AuthType
# find . -name .htaccess -exec grep -oHne 'AuthType.*$' {} \;
Update file ownership after renumbering an account
After updating an account's uid, you may wish to update all files that were owned with the old uid. Do so in a parallelized fashion by running:
# cd /data/shared_dir
# ls | xargs -L 1 -P 6 -I '{{' find {{ -user $OLDUID -exec chown $NEWUID:$NEWGID "{}" \;
Parallelizing Jobs
To run multiple jobs across all files found by find
, use xargs
Suppose you wanted to resize all pictures inside a directory using a resize script. To run this across all 8 CPUs:
# find . -iname '*.jpg' -print0 | xargs -0 -P 8 sh
Note that we print the file using -print0
which delimits filenames with a null rather than newlines. xargs
can then delimit using a null with the -0
For completeness's sake, here is the script:
for i in "$@" ; do
File=`identify -format '%w %h %i\n' "$i" \
| awk '$1 > 1920 || $2 > 1920 {sub(/^[^ ]* [^ ]* /, ""); print}' `
if [ ! -z "$File" ] ; then
echo "Resizing $File"
mogrify -resize "1920x1920" "$File"
Removing old files
Remove all files older than 100 days (such as to clear a /tmp
$ find . -type f -mtime +100 -exec rm -v {} \;
Removing empty files and directories
$ find . -type d -empty -delete