IBM Spectrum Protect

From Leo's Notes
Last edited on 30 December 2021, at 01:07.

IBM Spectrum Protect is a backup solution by IBM. Prior to version 7.1.3, it was formerly known as Tivoli Storage Manager or TSM for short.

For training on Spectrum Protect, check out some of the free resources at


Admin CLI is used to configure the TSM system. The TSM client CLI is used to list and restore files on the client system.

TSM Command Line Usage

The TSM command line utility can be invoked by running dsmc. The client interface will only show a subset of parameters that you will see in the admin console. It looks like it shows only values applicable to the host that it is running on (ie. filespaces, incl/excl options, etc.).

A nice guide:

Here is what the TSM client interface looks like.

[root@tsm ~]# dsmc
IBM Tivoli Storage Manager
Command Line Backup-Archive Client Interface
  Client Version 7, Release 1, Level 6.5 
  Client date/time: 02/04/2020 16:01:52
(c) Copyright by IBM Corporation and other(s) 1990, 2017. All Rights Reserved. 

Node Name: TSM
Session established with server CHGI_TSM01: Linux/ppc64
  Server Version 7, Release 1, Level 7.200
  Server date/time: 02/04/2020 16:01:52  Last access: 02/04/2020 05:29:10


List Include / Exclude Options

You can see all include/exclude with query inclexcl, which is similar to what is shown in the Admin Console when running query cloptset [name] but only limited to this particular host.

tsm> q inclexcl
Mode Function  Pattern (match from top down)  Source File
---- --------- ------------------------------ -----------------
No exclude filespace statements defined.
Excl Directory /.../.TsmCacheDir              TSM
Exclude All       /gpfs/cbousman/.../*           Server
Exclude All       /.../.snapshots/.../*          Server
Exclude All       /tiered/vetmed_data/.../*      Server
Exclude All       /tiered/snyder_data/.../*      Server
Exclude All       /.../*.dbv                     Server
Include All       /gpfs/forever/.../*            Server
No DFS include/exclude statements defined.

Use the following wildcards in your include/exclude rules:

Symbol Description
? Matches exactly one character
* Matches any number of characters
... Matches any number of directories

Other notes:

  • You may also use [a-zA-Z0-9]* regex expressions as well.
  • Characters * ? : [ ] must be escaped with a backslash inside []. Eg. [\:] for :.
  • The dsm.sys rules are applied from last to first. All includes should be defined near the top and excludes near the bottom.
  • Use exclude.fs to exclude entire filespaces
  • Use exclude.dir to exclude directories
  • Both exclude.fs and exclude.dir are applied before all other rules, regardless of order

See Also:

List Files

To list all files that are available for restore:

tsm> query backup /path/to/file
           Size        Backup Date                Mgmt Class           A/I File
           ----        -----------                ----------           --- ----
         4,096  B  11/26/2019 06:43:38            INDEFINITE            A  /gpfs/home/lleung/.cache
         4,096  B  11/26/2019 06:43:54            INDEFINITE            A  /gpfs/home/lleung/.config
         4,096  B  11/26/2019 06:47:09            INDEFINITE            A  /gpfs/home/lleung/.dbus
         4,096  B  11/26/2019 12:06:04            INDEFINITE            A  /gpfs/home/lleung/.gnupg

Additional options:

  • -inactive to show previous versions of the files.
  • -subdir=yes to show sub directories

Restoring Files

To restore a file, use the restore source [destination] function. If destination is omitted, TSM will restore over the original location. TSM will restore the most recent version (active) of the file.

tsm> restore /gpfs/home/lleung/.zsh /gpfs/home/lleung/restore/
Restore function invoked.

Restoring           4,096 /gpfs/home/lleung/.zsh --> /gpfs/home/lleung/restore/.zsh [Done]

Restore processing finished.
Total number of objects restored:             1
Total number of objects failed:               0
Total number of bytes transferred:            0  B
Data transfer time:                        0.00 sec
Network data transfer rate:                0.00 KB/sec
Aggregate data transfer rate:              0.00 KB/sec
Elapsed processing time:               00:00:03

Other options:

  • -su=yes is required when restoring the entire directory.
  • -inactive -pick to restore an inactive file with option to pick which revision to restore.

Deleting Backups

I accidentally backed up a .snapshots directory containing filesystem snapshots. To delete this directory from backups (and to free up space on tape), I ran delete backup with the deltype=all option. This should recursively delete any files backed up under the provided path.

tsm> delete backup /tiered/smorrissy/.snapshots/D7-2020.12.08-08.00.27/*  -deltype=all
ANS1899I ***** Examined     1,000 files *****
ANS1899I ***** Examined     2,000 files *****
... (many hours later...)

All backup objects in the specified directory and its subdirectories will be deleted. This command ignores the -subdir option. Do you wish to proceed? (Yes (Y)/No (N)) y

By default, this operation will require you to enter 'y' when it's finally finished collecting all the files it needs to delete. This is annoying especially since being idle on the session will cause the session to disconnect. Use the noprompt option to automatically delete.

tsm> delete backup /tiered/smorrissy/.snapshots/D7-2020.12.08-08.00.27/*  -deltype=all  -noprompt


Administrative Command Line Usage

The administrative TSM command line can be entered either from the web GUI via the 'Command Builder' or by running dsmadmc utility. In both cases, you must provide the TSM credentials.

You will be greeted with a prompt similar to the one below.

Session established with server CHGI_TSM01: Linux/ppc64
  Server Version 7, Release 1, Level 7.200
  Server date/time: 11/19/2019 14:18:43  Last access: 11/12/2019 17:15:04
tsm: CHGI_TSM01>

Commands and parameters can be shortened so long as it is not ambiguous. query volume can therefore be shortened to q vol, for example.

Additionally, SQL queries can be executed in this prompt which executes against the underlying DB2 database.



To show all file spaces and their respective storage pool location when backed up:

tsm: CHGI_TSM01> select node_name, filespace_name, physical_mb, stgpool_name FROM occupancy WHERE stgpool_name = 'BACKUPTAPE'

   PHYSICAL_MB: 686244989.70

   PHYSICAL_MB: 616886529.62

All entries listed here defines which storage pool backups go to. In the example above, /tiered and /gpfs will be stored on the BACKUPTAPE storage pool.


The query command is used to obtain TSM objects.

Documentation available at


To show all tapes in use (those that are in the status 'Private'), their capacity and usage, run query volume. To show all scratch tapes or the status of a particular tape, select it manually with SELECT * FROM libvolumes WHERE volume_name = 'xxx' OR status = 'Scratch'.

tsm: CHGI_TSM01> query volume
Volume Name	Storage Pool Name	Device Class Name	Estimated Capacity	Pct Util	Volume Status
A00091L7	BACKUPTAPE	LTO	127.339 G	98.291	Full
A00105L7	BACKUPTAPE	LTO	13.642 T	1.331	Filling
A00106L7	BACKUPTAPE	LTO	167.739 G	83.773	Full
A00107L7	BACKUPTAPE	LTO	203.538 G	97.105	Full

To show contents of a particular tape, run query content tapeid.

tsm: CHGI_TSM01> query content A00091L7

Node Name           Type     Filespace      FSID     Client's Name for File                
---------------     ----     ----------     ----     --------------------------------------
TSM                 Bkup     /gpfs            10     /home/atyndall/.cache/mozilla/firefox/
TSM                 Bkup     /gpfs            10     /home/atyndall/.mozilla/firefox/td76tb
TSM                 Bkup     /gpfs            10     /home/atyndall/.mozilla/firefox/td76tb

To see all mounted tapes, run QUERY MOUNT. All drives with a mounted tape will be displayed.

Keep in mind that tapes that have been reclaimed will have a 'Scratch' status and won't show up in the query volume output.


To show all configured backup schedules, run query schedule [format=detailed].

tsm: CHGI_TSM01> query schedule

Domain           *     Schedule Name        Action     Start Date/Time          Duration     Period     Day
------------     -     ----------------     ------     --------------------     --------     ------     ---
SERVERS                DAILY_INCR           Inc Bk     07/04/2017 18:00:00          1 H        1 D      Any
SERVERS                MMBACKUP             CMD        07/04/2017 02:10:00          1 H        1 D      Any
STANDARD               DAILY_INCR           Inc Bk     07/04/2017 18:00:00          1 H        1 D      Any

Side note: The detailed view is the same output as the TSM Client's output when running query schedule.

Backup Filespace

To show all partitions that are made available to be backed up, run query filespace. These are partitions that have the potential of being backed up based on schedules and policies but aren't necessarily backed up.

tsm: CHGI_TSM01> query filespace

Node Name           Filespace N     FSID     Platform     Filespace     Is Filespa        Capacity     Pct U
                    ame                                    Type         ce Unicode                       til
---------------     -----------     ----     --------     ---------     ----------     -----------     -----
CRICK.CHGI.UCAL     /                  1     LinuxPPC     EXT4              No              879 GB      24.9
 GARY.CA                                      64LE                                                          
TSM                 /tsminst1          1     LinuxPPC     EXT4              No           30,109 MB      52.9
TSM                 /                  2     LinuxPPC     EXT4              No           50,268 MB      74.6
TSM                 /boot              3     LinuxPPC     EXT4              No              468 MB      68.6
TSM                 /tsmdb0            4     LinuxPPC     EXT4              No              196 GB      45.1
TSM                 /tsmdb1            5     LinuxPPC     EXT4              No              196 GB      45.1
TSM                 /tsmdb2            6     LinuxPPC     EXT4              No              196 GB      45.1
TSM                 /tsmdb3            7     LinuxPPC     EXT4              No              196 GB      45.1
TSM                 /tsmlog            8     LinuxPPC     EXT4              No              245 GB      57.0
TSM                 /tsmarchlog        9     LinuxPPC     EXT4              No              492 GB       5.0
TSM                 /gpfs             10     LinuxPPC     GPFS              No            1,292 TB      77.9
TSM                 /tiered           14     LinuxPPC     GPFS              No            1,400 TB      92.8


Custom scripts are a set of SQL queries that can be executed using the run command. A list of all scripts can be found with query script. To show the contents of a particular script, run query script name format=raw.

List a particular script:

tsm: CHGI_TSM01>query script tapes

Name                Description                                            Managing profile    
---------------     --------------------------------------------------     --------------------
TAPES               list information about tape usage

Commands of a particular script:

tsm: CHGI_TSM01>query script tapes format=raw
select stgpool_name, count(*) as "Tapes" from volumes -
where devclass_name = 'LTO' group by stgpool_name
select count(*) as "Total Storage Pool Tapes" from volumes -
where devclass_name = 'LTO'
select count(*) as "Total Stg. Pool Tapes in Lib." from volumes -
where devclass_name='LTO' and volume_name in (select volume_name from libvolumes where library_name = 'CHGI_TSM')
select status, count(*) as "Tapes" from libvolumes -
where library_name = 'CHGI_TSM' group by status order by status desc
select count (*) as "Total LTO tapes in library" from libvolumes -
where library_name = 'CHGI_TSM'
issue message i "The following tapes are outside the library"
q media * stg=* wherestate=mountablenotinlib

Invoke the script with run scriptname:

tsm: CHGI_TSM01>run tapes  

STGPOOL_NAME                                Tapes
--------------------------------     ------------
BACKUPTAPE                                    273

 Total Storage Pool Tapes

 Total Stg. Pool Tapes in Lib.

STATUS                       Tapes
-----------------     ------------
Scratch                         82
Private                        283

 Total LTO tapes in library
ANR1496I The following tapes are outside the library

Volume N     State                          Location                Automated LibNa
ame                                                                 me             
--------     --------------------------     -------------------     ---------------
A00121L7     Mountable not in library       ?                                      
ANR1462I RUN: Command script TAPES completed successfully.


Query event to show events that have happened recently. Useful to see if backups are running successfully.

tsm: CHGI_TSM01>query event * * begindate=-1 enddate=today format=detailed

Policy Domain Name              Schedule Name                   Node Name             Scheduled Start       Actual Start          Completed             Status           Result                          Reason
------------------------------  ------------------------------  --------------------  --------------------  --------------------  --------------------  ---------------  ---------------  ---------------------
SERVERS                         MMBACKUP                        TSM                   02/04/2020 02:10:00   02/04/2020 02:10:06   02/04/2020 05:29:10   Completed        0                All operations comple
                                                                                                                                                                                              ted successfully.
SERVERS                         DAILY_INCR                      TSM                   02/04/2020 18:00:00   02/04/2020 18:00:07   02/04/2020 18:12:29   Completed        4                The operation complet
                                                                                                                                                                                           ed successfully, but
                                                                                                                                                                                            some files were not
SERVERS                         MMBACKUP                        TSM                   02/05/2020 02:10:00   02/05/2020 02:10:08   02/05/2020 05:32:30   Completed        0                All operations comple
                                                                                                                                                                                              ted successfully.
SERVERS                         DAILY_INCR                      TSM                   02/05/2020 18:00:00                                               Future


Query Process shows all running tasks.

tsm: CHGI_TSM01>query process

Process      Process Description      Process Status                                   
--------     --------------------     -------------------------------------------------
     360     MOVE MEDIA               ANR8767I Number of volumes processed: 0. Volumes 
                                       sent to library CHGI_TSM for checkout: 1.
     361     Space Reclamation        Volume C00266L7 (storage pool BACKUPTAPE), Moved 
                                       Files: 0, Moved Bytes: 0 bytes, Deduplicated Byt
                                       es: 0 bytes, Unreadable Files: 0, Unreadable Byt
                                       es: 0 bytes. Current Physical File (bytes): 10,0
                                       01 MB Current output volume(s): C00219L7.

Reclaim Stgpool

Use the reclaim stgpool poolname to initiate a reclamation process. Tapes containing deleted files or backups out of retention can be consolidated (or defragged) into another tape to minimize wasted tape space.

tsm: CHGI_TSM01>reclaim stgpool backuptape                                            
ANR3638W Space reclamation skipped volume A00140L7 because the spanned volume A00138L7 in storage pool BACKUPTAPE is inaccessible.
ANR2110I RECLAIM STGPOOL started as process 361.
ANR4930I Reclamation process 361 started for primary storage pool BACKUPTAPE manually, threshold=60, duration=None.
ANS8003I Process number 361 started.

Adding or Removing Tape Volumes

If you wish to remove a tape that contains data, you can either delete the contents or move the contents elsewhere.

To retain any data on a volume you wish to remove, use the MOVE DATA command:

tsm: CHGI_TSM01>update vol C00173L7 access=readonly
ANR2207I Volume C00173L7 updated.

tsm: CHGI_TSM01>move data C00173L7
ANR2232W This command will move all of the data stored on volume C00173L7 to other volumes within the same storage pool; the data will be inaccessible to users until the operation completes.

Do you wish to proceed? (Yes (Y)/No (N)) y
ANS8003I Process number 39 started.

To delete any data on a volume you wish to remove, pass in the discarddata=yes argument when deleting the volume.

tsm: CHGI_TSM01>delete vol C00251L7 discarddata=yes
ANR2221W This command will result in the deletion of all inventory references to the data on volume C00251L7, thereby rendering the data unrecoverable.
If the volume being deleted contains deduplicated data, the server invalidates all files that reside in the storage pool that are dependent upon the data stored on this volume. Files on other volumes might be marked as damaged and result in warning messages when that data is accessed.

Do you wish to proceed? (Yes (Y)/No (N)) y
ANR2222I Discard Data process started for volume C00251L7 (process ID 37).
ANS8003I Process number 37 started.

Once the volume has been deleted, you can move it to the IO port:

tsm: CHGI_TSM01>move media C00173L7 stgpool=backuptape remove=yes   
ANR0609I MOVE MEDIA started as process 41.

Moving Tape

The move media tape-id command moves a tape cartridge in the tape library.

To physically move a tape cartridge to the IO slot, pass in remove=yes.

tsm: CHGI_TSM01>move media C00173L7 stgpool=backuptape remove=yes   
ANR0609I MOVE MEDIA started as process 41.

Be aware that an invalid tape-id will not throw an error on execution. Check the "completed tasks" page on TSM to see the actual status.

See Also:

Library Audit

A full library audit can be triggered with the AUDIT LIBRARY library-name checklabel=barcode command.

This however only works when the library isn't being used by any other processes. If any drive is in use by TSM, the job will wait until they are dismounted.

On successful completion of the job, you should see activity similar to:

Feb 19, 2020, 1:43:16 PM ANR0984I Process 47 for AUDIT LIBRARY started in the BACKGROUND at 01:43:16 PM. (SESSION: 7115, PROCESS: 47)
Feb 19, 2020, 1:43:16 PM ANR8457I AUDIT LIBRARY: Operation for library CHGI_TSM started as process 47. (SESSION: 7115, PROCESS: 47)
Feb 19, 2020, 1:44:00 PM ANR8788W Unable to read the barcode of cartridge in slot-id 1258 in library CHGI_TSM; loading in drive to read label. (SESSION: 7115, PROCESS: 47)
Feb 19, 2020, 1:44:01 PM ANR8788W Unable to read the barcode of cartridge in slot-id 1275 in library CHGI_TSM; loading in drive to read label. (SESSION: 7115, PROCESS: 47)
Feb 19, 2020, 1:44:12 PM ANR8455E Volume C00234L7 could not be located during audit of library CHGI_TSM. Volume has been removed from the library inventory. (SESSION: 7115, PROCESS: 47)
Feb 19, 2020, 1:44:12 PM ANR8455E Volume C00251L7 could not be located during audit of library CHGI_TSM. Volume has been removed from the library inventory. (SESSION: 7115, PROCESS: 47)
Feb 19, 2020, 1:44:12 PM ANR8461I AUDIT LIBRARY process for library CHGI_TSM completed successfully. (SESSION: 7115, PROCESS: 47)
Feb 19, 2020, 1:44:12 PM ANR0985I Process 47 for AUDIT LIBRARY running in the BACKGROUND completed with completion state SUCCESS at 01:44:12 PM. (SESSION: 7115, PROCESS: 47)

Missing volumes that are still in the tape library can be moved out and then re-imported.

Tape Audit

A specific tape can be verified using the AUDIT VOLUME tape-id command.

tsm: CHGI_TSM01>audit vol c00011l7
ANR2310W This command will compare all inventory references to volume C00011L7 with the actual data stored on the volume and will report any discrepancies; the data will be inaccessible to users until the operat
ion completes.

Do you wish to proceed? (Yes (Y)/No (N)) y

tsm: CHGI_TSM01>query proc

Process      Process Description      Process Status                                   
--------     --------------------     -------------------------------------------------
      52     Audit Volume (Inspec     Volume C00011L7 (storage pool BACKUPTAPE), Files 
              t Only)                  Processed: 0, Damaged Files Found: 0, Partial Fi
                                       les Skipped: 0. Current Physical File (bytes): 5
                                       89,289,663 Waiting for mount of input volume C00
                                       011L7 (1 seconds).

Option Set and Client Options

Backups can include or exclude specific files based on Option Set and its associated Client Options.

Use the TSM Administrative CLI to define a new Option Set (define cloptset) and new Client Options (define clientopt optionset option value [seq = N]). Use the INCLEXCL option to define what files to include or exclude. The ordering of these rules can be changed by specifying a sequence number.

An example Option Set and its list of options.

tsm: CHGI_TSM01>query cloptset

Optionset                     Description                   Last Update by      Managing profile         Replica Option 
                                                            (administrator)                              Set            
-------------------------     -------------------------     ---------------     --------------------     ---------------
CRICK                                                       JOERG                                        No             

Option                        Sequence     Use Option     Option Value                                                
                                number      Set Value     
-------------------------     --------     ----------     ------------------------------------------------------------
DOMAIN                               0             No     all-local -/gpfs                                            
INCLEXCL                             0             No     Exclude /unix/                                              
INCLEXCL                             1             No     Exclude /.../core                                           
INCLEXCL                             2             No     Exclude.dir /unix/                                          
INCLEXCL                             3             No     Include /gpfs/forever/.../* INDEFINITE                      
RESOURCEUTILIZATION                  0             No     5                                                           
SCHEDMODE                            0             No     prompted                                                    
TXNBYTELIMIT                         0             No     2G

The INCLEXCL directive defines what files to include or exclude. To exclude all files under any directory named 'temp' on Windows, we could use the following client option. Note the *:\ to match any drive, ...\ to match any number of directories, and * to match any file.

tsm: CHGI_TSM01> define clientopt WINDOWS inclexcl "Exclude *:\...\temp\...\*"
ANR2050I DEFINE CLIENTOPT: Option INCLEXCL defined in optionset WINDOWS.

To exclude a specific directory on Linux, we define a similar rule as above but without a drive letter and with forward slashes instead. Similarily, .../ to match any number of directories and * to match any files.

tsm: CHGI_TSM01> define clientopt TSM_IX inclexcl "Exclude /gpfs/home/sbagheri/Human_genome_mapping/.../*"
ANR2050I DEFINE CLIENTOPT: Option INCLEXCL defined in optionset TSM_IX.

To remove a rule, use DELETE clientopt name inclexcl seq=sequence-number.

tsm: CHGI_TSM01> query cloptset TSM_IX
Option                        Sequence     Use Option     Option Value
                                number      Set Value
-------------------------     --------     ----------     ------------------------------------------------------------
INCLEXCL                            58             No     Exclude /gpfs/home/sbagheri/Human_genome_mapping/.../*'

tsm: CHGI_TSM01> delete clientopt TSM_IX INCLEXCL SEQ=58
ANR2053I DELETE CLIENTOPT: Option INCLEXCL, sequence number 58, has been deleted from optionset TSM_IX.

See Also:

TSM System

Automated Backups

At CHGI, there are two scheduled tasks defined:

  • Execution of /usr/local/bin/mmbackup.ksh at 2:10AM, daily
  • An incremental backup at 6:00PM, daily.

It looks like /usr/local/bin/mmbackup.ksh runs mmbackup which renders the client options into a policy file at /var/mmfs/mmbackup/.mmbackupRules.gpfs0 and then executes mmapplypolicy that uses this policy file to do the actual backups. A pstree of the entire command execution looks like:

                                                                                                                │                  └─{tsapolicy}(77605)

tsapolicy generates a list of files that requires to be backed up and will then generate a file list that will then get passed to dsmc selective -filelist=/gpfs/.mmbackupCfg/mmbackupChanged..... -servername=CHGI_TSM01 -verbose -subdir=no that does the actual backups. It looks like file statuses are saved on the DB2 server, so near the end of the process where file states need to be updated, the database server will be extremely busy.

I'm unsure if the incremental backup at 6PM actually does anything then, if backups are done daily using the script...

An example client option set and the generated backup policy is provided below.

tsm> query inclexcl
Session established with server CHGI_TSM01: Linux/ppc64
  Server Version 7, Release 1, Level 7.200
  Server date/time: 02/05/2020 11:19:28  Last access: 02/05/2020 05:32:30

Mode Function  Pattern (match from top down)  Source File
---- --------- ------------------------------ -----------------
No exclude filespace statements defined.
Excl Directory /.../.TsmCacheDir              TSM
Exclude All       /gpfs/cbousman/.../*           Server
Exclude All       /.../.snapshots/.../*          Server
Exclude All       /tiered/vetmed_data/.../*      Server
Exclude All       /tiered/snyder_data/.../*      Server
Exclude All       /tiered/mtgraovac/.../*        Server
Exclude All       /tiered/kkurek/.../*           Server
Exclude All       /tiered/danderson/.../*        Server
Exclude All       /tiered/achri_data/.../*       Server
Exclude All       /tiered/ewang/.../*            Server
Exclude All       /tiered/morph/.../*            Server
Exclude All       /tiered/ewang_scratch/.../*    Server
Exclude All       /gpfs/gallo/.../*              Server
Exclude All       /gpfs/charb_data/.../*         Server
Exclude All       /gpfs/vetmed_stage/.../*       Server
Exclude All       /gpfs/vetmed_data/.../*        Server
Exclude All       /gpfs/snyder_work/.../*        Server
Exclude All       /gpfs/ebg_work/.../*           Server
Exclude All       /gpfs/qlong/.../*              Server
Exclude All       /.../tmp/.../*                 Server
Exclude All       /.../core                      Server
Exclude All       /tsmarchlog/.../*              Server
Exclude All       /tsmlog/.../*                  Server
Exclude All       /tsmdb*/.../*                  Server
Exclude All       /.../*.dsm                     Server
Exclude All       /.../*.dbv                     Server
Include All       /gpfs/forever/.../*            Server
No DFS include/exclude statements defined.
/* Auto-generated GPFS policy rules file

 * Generated on Wed Feb  5 02:10:14 2020

/*   Server rules for backup server 1
 ***   CHGI_TSM01   ***
RULE EXTERNAL LIST 'mmbackup.1.CHGI_TSM01' EXEC '/gpfs/.mmbackupCfg/BAexecScript.gpfs0' OPTS '"/gpfs/.mmbackupShadow.1.CHGI_TSM01.filesys.update" "-servername=CHGI_TSM01"  "-auditlogname=/gpfs/mmbackup.audit.gpfs0.CHGI_TSM01" "NONE"' 
RULE 'BackupRule' LIST 'mmbackup.1.CHGI_TSM01' DIRECTORIES_PLUS 
          VARCHAR(FILE_SIZE)         || ' ' || VARCHAR(FILESET_NAME) ||
          ' ' || 'resdnt' )
        ( (PATH_NAME LIKE '/%/.mmbackup%') OR 
          (PATH_NAME LIKE '/%/.mmLockDir' AND MODE LIKE 'd%') OR 
          (PATH_NAME LIKE '/%/.mmLockDir/%') OR 
          (MODE LIKE 's%') 
        (MISC_ATTRIBUTES LIKE '%u%')
        ( (PATH_NAME LIKE '/%/.SpaceMan' AND MODE LIKE 'd%') OR 
          (PATH_NAME LIKE '/%/.SpaceMan/%')
     AND (NOT (PATH_NAME LIKE '/%/.TsmCacheDir' AND MODE LIKE 'd%') AND NOT (PATH_NAME LIKE '/%/.TsmCacheDir/%')) 
     AND  (NOT (PATH_NAME LIKE '/gpfs/cbousman/%' AND NOT MODE LIKE 'd%'))
     AND  (NOT (PATH_NAME LIKE '/%/.snapshots/%' AND NOT MODE LIKE 'd%'))
     AND  (NOT (PATH_NAME LIKE '/tiered/vetmed_data/%' AND NOT MODE LIKE 'd%'))
     AND  (NOT (PATH_NAME LIKE '/tiered/snyder_data/%' AND NOT MODE LIKE 'd%'))
     AND  (NOT (PATH_NAME LIKE '/tiered/mtgraovac/%' AND NOT MODE LIKE 'd%'))
     AND  (NOT (PATH_NAME LIKE '/tiered/kkurek/%' AND NOT MODE LIKE 'd%'))
     AND  (NOT (PATH_NAME LIKE '/tiered/danderson/%' AND NOT MODE LIKE 'd%'))
     AND  (NOT (PATH_NAME LIKE '/tiered/achri_data/%' AND NOT MODE LIKE 'd%'))
     AND  (NOT (PATH_NAME LIKE '/tiered/ewang/%' AND NOT MODE LIKE 'd%'))
     AND  (NOT (PATH_NAME LIKE '/tiered/morph/%' AND NOT MODE LIKE 'd%'))
     AND  (NOT (PATH_NAME LIKE '/tiered/ewang_scratch/%' AND NOT MODE LIKE 'd%'))
     AND  (NOT (PATH_NAME LIKE '/gpfs/gallo/%' AND NOT MODE LIKE 'd%'))
     AND  (NOT (PATH_NAME LIKE '/gpfs/charb_data/%' AND NOT MODE LIKE 'd%'))
     AND  (NOT (PATH_NAME LIKE '/gpfs/vetmed_stage/%' AND NOT MODE LIKE 'd%'))
     AND  (NOT (PATH_NAME LIKE '/gpfs/vetmed_data/%' AND NOT MODE LIKE 'd%'))
     AND  (NOT (PATH_NAME LIKE '/gpfs/snyder_work/%' AND NOT MODE LIKE 'd%'))
     AND  (NOT (PATH_NAME LIKE '/gpfs/ebg_work/%' AND NOT MODE LIKE 'd%'))
     AND  (NOT (PATH_NAME LIKE '/gpfs/qlong/%' AND NOT MODE LIKE 'd%'))
     AND  (NOT (PATH_NAME LIKE '/%/tmp/%' AND NOT MODE LIKE 'd%'))
     AND  (NOT (PATH_NAME LIKE '/%/core' AND NOT MODE LIKE 'd%'))
     AND  (NOT (PATH_NAME LIKE '/tsmarchlog/%' AND NOT MODE LIKE 'd%'))
     AND  (NOT (PATH_NAME LIKE '/tsmlog/%' AND NOT MODE LIKE 'd%'))
     AND  (NOT (PATH_NAME LIKE '/tsmdb%/%' AND NOT MODE LIKE 'd%'))
     AND  (NOT (PATH_NAME LIKE '/%.dsm' AND NOT MODE LIKE 'd%'))
     AND  (NOT (PATH_NAME LIKE '/%.dbv' AND NOT MODE LIKE 'd%'))
     OR ((PATH_NAME LIKE '/gpfs/forever/%') AND  (MISC_ATTRIBUTES LIKE '%u%'))

Database Information

TSM requires DB2. In CHGI, the database files are stored in /tsmdb0, /tsmdb1, /tsmdb2, /tsmdb3, /tsmlog, each about 200GB in size. The database space can be listed in the TSM command line by running:

tsm: CHGI_TSM01>q db                                                                                                          

Database Name       Total Pages     Usable Pages       Used Pages       Free Pages
--------------     ------------     ------------     ------------     ------------
TSMDB1               14,806,035       14,802,931       14,023,207          779,724

tsm: CHGI_TSM01> query dbspace
Location                           Total Space of      Used Space on F      Free Space(MB)
                                   File System (MB     ile System (MB)     
------------------------------     ---------------     ---------------     ---------------
/tsmdb0                                 201,459.91           90,837.06          110,622.85
/tsmdb1                                 201,459.91           90,836.96          110,622.95
/tsmdb2                                 201,459.91           90,837.04          110,622.87
/tsmdb3                                 201,459.91           90,837.00          110,622.91

tsm: CHGI_TSM01>q log

Total Space(MB)      Used Space(MB)      Free Space(MB)
---------------     ---------------     ---------------
        131,072               1,119             129,953


There are two services on the TSM server:

[root@tsm ~]# systemctl

To stop the TSM server, run:

[root@tsm ~]# systemctl stop dsmcad
[root@tsm ~]# systemctl stop tsminst1

It doesn't look like the DB2 server has a systemd service


To help troubleshoot any issues, check out the logs at:

  • /opt/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin/dsmerror.log
  • /opt/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin/dsminstr.log
  • /opt/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin/dsmsched.log

Backups that are triggered with /usr/local/bin/mmbackup.ksh are stored in /var/log/tsm.

For tape library issues, you can also check the following logs which contains commands that are sent to the tape library.

  • /var/log/lin_tape.trace
  • /var/log/lin_tape.errorlog

Tape Issue

From the TSM web GUI, looking at events under the TSM server, I saw the following:

Feb 11, 2020, 12:28:28 AM ANR8944E Hardware or media error on drive DRIVE4 (/dev/IBMtape4) with volume C00013L7(OP=READ, Error Number= 5, CC=0, KEY=03, ASC=11, ASCQ=00, SENSE=F0., Description=An undetermined error has occurred). Refer to the IBM Tivoli Storage Manager documentation on I/O error code descriptions. (PROCESS: 351)
Feb 11, 2020, 12:28:28 AM ANR8359E Media fault detected on LTO volume C00013L7 in drive DRIVE4 (/dev/IBMtape4) of library CHGI_TSM. (PROCESS: 351)

The tape library also logged an error with this cartridge:

Type: Cartridge
Location: Frame 1, Column 4, Row 3
Time: Mon, Feb 10, 2020 11:11:27 PM MST
User: Service
Description: Cartridge C00013L7 could not be read from because of faulty media or a faulty drive.
Error Code: 0005

The volume was automatically set to 'unavailable' by TSM:

tsm: CHGI_TSM01>query vol C00013L7 format=detailed

                   Volume Name: C00013L7
             Storage Pool Name: BACKUPTAPE
             Device Class Name: LTO
            Estimated Capacity: 7.2 T
       Scaled Capacity Applied: 
                      Pct Util: 0.3
                 Volume Status: Full
                        Access: Unavailable
        Pct. Reclaimable Space: 99.7
               Scratch Volume?: Yes
               In Error State?: No
      Number of Writable Sides: 1
       Number of Times Mounted: 66
             Write Pass Number: 1
     Approx. Date Last Written: 08/04/2019 02:53:45
        Approx. Date Last Read: 02/11/2020 00:28:28
           Date Became Pending: 
        Number of Write Errors: 0
         Number of Read Errors: 3
               Volume Location: 
Volume is MVS Lanfree Capable : No
Last Update by (administrator): 
         Last Update Date/Time: 08/02/2019 12:36:02
          Begin Reclaim Period: 
            End Reclaim Period: 
  Drive Encryption Key Manager: IBM Tivoli Storage Manager
       Logical Block Protected: No

I set the access mode to readonly, then initiated another reclamation with reclaim stgpool backuptape. Tape library complained of a few errors from the tape drive and the access state went back to "Unavailable" on TSM.

I moved the tape to the IO port with:

tsm: CHGI_TSM01>move media c00013l7 stgpool=backuptape remove=yes                    
ANR0609I MOVE MEDIA started as process 360.

It turns out that there are many other tape cartridges that are set as unavailable.

tsm: CHGI_TSM01>query vol access=unavailable
Session established with server CHGI_TSM01: Linux/ppc64
  Server Version 7, Release 1, Level 7.200
  Server date/time: 02/13/2020 10:33:06  Last access: 02/13/2020 10:27:40

Volume Name                  Storage Poo     Device Cla     Estimated     Pct U     Volume S
                             l Name          ss Name         Capacity       til      tatus  
------------------------     -----------     ----------     ---------     -----     --------
A00110L7                     BACKUPTAPE      LTO              136.5 G       0.0       Full  
A00112L7                     BACKUPTAPE      LTO              129.4 G       0.3       Full  
A00118L7                     BACKUPTAPE      LTO              104.8 G       0.0       Full  
A00122L7                     BACKUPTAPE      LTO              161.9 G       1.0       Full  
A00127L7                     BACKUPTAPE      LTO               13.6 T       0.0     Filling 
A00130L7                     BACKUPTAPE      LTO              143.8 G      78.8       Full  
A00137L7                     BACKUPTAPE      LTO              122.3 G      70.1       Full  
A00138L7                     BACKUPTAPE      LTO              139.3 G      74.0       Full  
C00013L7                     BACKUPTAPE      LTO                7.2 T       0.1       Full  
C00017L7                     BACKUPTAPE      LTO               13.6 T       0.2     Filling 
C00018L7                     BACKUPTAPE      LTO               13.6 T       9.4     Filling 
C00022L7                     BACKUPTAPE      LTO               13.6 T       0.2     Filling 
C00049L7                     BACKUPTAPE      LTO               12.8 T      17.9       Full  
C00061L7                     BACKUPTAPE      LTO                9.7 T      26.7       Full  
C00064L7                     BACKUPTAPE      LTO               13.6 T       0.1     Filling 
C00156L7                     BACKUPTAPE      LTO                6.8 T       1.0       Full  
C00158L7                     BACKUPTAPE      LTO                7.0 T       0.0       Full  
C00168L7                     BACKUPTAPE      LTO               11.2 T       1.6       Full  
C00173L7                     BACKUPTAPE      LTO               12.1 T       0.5       Full  
C00175L7                     BACKUPTAPE      LTO               13.6 T       5.6     Filling 
C00186L7                     BACKUPTAPE      LTO                8.7 T      13.6       Full  
C00193L7                     BACKUPTAPE      LTO               13.6 T       4.5     Filling 
C00251L7                     BACKUPTAPE      LTO                5.7 T       0.0       Full  
C00264L7                     BACKUPTAPE      LTO                7.5 T      21.7       Full

You can see the number of read and write errors per cartridge by dumping a detailed list into a file.

tsm: CHGI_TSM01>query vol format=detailed > b
Output of command redirected to file 'b'

## View the file 'b'
Volume Name                  Storage Poo     Device Cla     Estimated     Scaled C     Pct U     Volume S       Access        Pct. Reclai     Scratch Vo     In Error S     Number o     Number      Write      Approx. Da     Approx. Da     Date Becam     Number     Number     Volume L     Volume is      Last Update by      Last Updat     Begin Recl     End Reclai     Drive Encryption Key M     Logical Block Protected
                             l Name          ss Name         Capacity     apacity        til      tatus                       mable Space       lume?          tate?        f Writab     of Time     Pass N     te Last Wr     te Last Re     e Pending       of Wr      of Re     ocation      MVS Lanfre     (administrator)     e Date/Tim     aim Period      m Period      anager                     
                                                                           Applied                                                                                          le Sides     s Mount      umber       itten            ad                        ite Er     ad Err                  e Capable                              e                                                                   
                                                                                                                                                                                              ed                                                               rors        ors                                                                                                                             
------------------------     -----------     ----------     ---------     --------     -----     --------     -----------     -----------     ----------     ----------     --------     -------     ------     ----------     ----------     ----------     ------     ------     --------     ----------     ---------------     ----------     ----------     ----------     ----------------------     -----------------------
A00091L7                     BACKUPTAPE      LTO              127.3 G                   98.3       Full       Read/Write              3.0        Yes             No                1           1          1     11/14/2019     11/14/2019                         0          0                      No                             11/14/2019                                   IBM Tivoli Storage Man     No                     
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  10:11:57       09:53:52                                                                                            09:51:39                                    ager                                             
A00105L7                     BACKUPTAPE      LTO               13.6 T                    1.3     Filling       Read-Only              0.1        Yes            Yes                1           2          1     08/17/2019     08/14/2019                         1          0                      No                             08/14/2019                                   IBM Tivoli Storage Man     No                     
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  20:56:27       21:09:29                                                                                            21:09:21                                    ager                                             
A00106L7                     BACKUPTAPE      LTO              167.7 G                   83.8       Full       Read/Write             16.6        Yes             No                1           3          1     06/01/2019     06/14/2019                         0          0                      No                             06/01/2019                                   IBM Tivoli Storage Man     No                     
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  04:12:36       19:18:53                                                                                            03:47:22                                    ager                                             
A00107L7                     BACKUPTAPE      LTO              203.5 G                   97.1       Full       Read/Write              3.3        Yes             No                1           4          1     06/01/2019     08/14/2019                         0          0                      No                             06/01/2019                                   IBM Tivoli Storage Man     No                     
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  04:14:58       20:21:55                                                                                            03:47:49                                    ager                                             
A00108L7                     BACKUPTAPE      LTO              193.3 G                   68.7       Full       Read/Write             32.0        Yes             No                1          16          1     06/01/2019     08/25/2019                         0          0                      No                             06/01/2019                                   IBM Tivoli Storage Man     No

Reclamation Issues

When triggering a reclamation, I got the following messages:

tsm: CHGI_TSM01>reclaim stgpool backuptape 
ANR3638W Space reclamation skipped volume C00266L7 because the spanned volume C00285L7 in storage pool BACKUPTAPE is inaccessible.
ANR3638W Space reclamation skipped volume C00234L7 because the spanned volume C00231L7 in storage pool BACKUPTAPE is inaccessible.
ANR3638W Space reclamation skipped volume A00144L7 because the spanned volume A00140L7 in storage pool BACKUPTAPE is inaccessible.
ANR2110I RECLAIM STGPOOL started as process 359.
ANR4930I Reclamation process 359 started for primary storage pool BACKUPTAPE manually, threshold=60, duration=None.
ANS8003I Process number 359 started.

The tape's status is set to unavailable for some reason:

tsm: CHGI_TSM01>query vol c00285l7 format=detailed

                   Volume Name: C00285L7
             Storage Pool Name: BACKUPTAPE
             Device Class Name: LTO
            Estimated Capacity: 13.6 T
       Scaled Capacity Applied: 
                      Pct Util: 2.3
                 Volume Status: Filling
                        Access: Unavailable
        Pct. Reclaimable Space: 2.4
               Scratch Volume?: Yes
               In Error State?: Yes
      Number of Writable Sides: 1
       Number of Times Mounted: 1
             Write Pass Number: 1
     Approx. Date Last Written: 10/02/2019 06:29:24
        Approx. Date Last Read: 10/01/2019 19:53:09
           Date Became Pending: 
        Number of Write Errors: 1
         Number of Read Errors: 0
               Volume Location: 
Volume is MVS Lanfree Capable : No
Last Update by (administrator): 
         Last Update Date/Time: 10/01/2019 19:49:01
          Begin Reclaim Period: 
            End Reclaim Period: 
  Drive Encryption Key Manager: IBM Tivoli Storage Manager
       Logical Block Protected: No

I think these tapes may have been bad or the drive had issues reading it. Perhaps try the reclamation process again after setting the access to readonly using UPDATE VOL tapeid access=readonly.

Move Data Failure with ANR1880W

Mar 16, 2020, 1:46:58 PM ANR0984I Process 97 for MOVE DATA started in the BACKGROUND at 01:46:57 PM. (SESSION: 52276, PROCESS: 97)
Mar 16, 2020, 1:46:58 PM ANR1140I Move data process started for volume C00222L7 (process ID 97). (SESSION: 52276, PROCESS: 97)
Mar 16, 2020, 1:46:58 PM ANR1176I Moving data for collocation set 1 of 1 on volume C00222L7. (SESSION: 52276, PROCESS: 97)
Mar 16, 2020, 5:06:57 PM ANR0513I Process 97 opened output volume C00268L7. (SESSION: 52276, PROCESS: 97)
Mar 16, 2020, 5:08:11 PM ANR8337I LTO volume C00174L7 mounted in drive DRIVE4 (/dev/IBMtape3). (SESSION: 52276, PROCESS: 97)
Mar 16, 2020, 5:08:12 PM ANR0512I Process 97 opened input volume C00174L7. (SESSION: 52276, PROCESS: 97)
Mar 16, 2020, 5:09:42 PM ANR0515I Process 97 closed volume C00174L7. (SESSION: 52276, PROCESS: 97)
Mar 16, 2020, 5:10:24 PM ANR8468I LTO volume C00174L7 dismounted from drive DRIVE4 (/dev/IBMtape3) in library CHGI_TSM. (SESSION: 52276, PROCESS: 97)
Mar 16, 2020, 5:10:54 PM ANR8337I LTO volume C00222L7 mounted in drive DRIVE4 (/dev/IBMtape3). (SESSION: 52276, PROCESS: 97)
Mar 16, 2020, 5:10:55 PM ANR0512I Process 97 opened input volume C00222L7. (SESSION: 52276, PROCESS: 97)
Mar 16, 2020, 5:11:03 PM ANR1880W Server transaction was canceled because of a conflicting lock on table AF_SEGMENTS. (SESSION: 52276, PROCESS: 97)
Mar 16, 2020, 5:11:03 PM ANR0106E afrtrv.c(1277): Unexpected error 1014 fetching row in table "AF.Bitfiles". (SESSION: 52276, PROCESS: 97)
Mar 16, 2020, 5:11:03 PM ANR1156W Move data process terminated for volume C00222L7 - internal server error detected. (SESSION: 52276, PROCESS: 97)
Mar 16, 2020, 5:11:03 PM ANR9999D Thread<177307> issued message 1156 from: (SESSION: 52276, PROCESS: 97)
Mar 16, 2020, 5:11:03 PM ANR9999D Thread<177307> 0x00000010c142bc *UNKNOWN* (SESSION: 52276, PROCESS: 97)
Mar 16, 2020, 5:11:03 PM ANR9999D Thread<177307> 0x00000010298768 *UNKNOWN* (SESSION: 52276, PROCESS: 97)
Mar 16, 2020, 5:11:03 PM ANR9999D Thread<177307> 0x000000103bddc4 *UNKNOWN* (SESSION: 52276, PROCESS: 97)
Mar 16, 2020, 5:11:03 PM ANR9999D Thread<177307> 0x00000010cd7b10 *UNKNOWN* (SESSION: 52276, PROCESS: 97)
Mar 16, 2020, 5:11:03 PM ANR9999D Thread<177307> 0x003fffb7dfc93c *UNKNOWN* (SESSION: 52276, PROCESS: 97)
Mar 16, 2020, 5:11:03 PM ANR9999D Thread<177307> 0x003fffb2c17a3c *UNKNOWN* (SESSION: 52276, PROCESS: 97)
Mar 16, 2020, 5:11:03 PM ANR0515I Process 97 closed volume C00222L7. (SESSION: 52276, PROCESS: 97)
Mar 16, 2020, 5:11:03 PM ANR0515I Process 97 closed volume C00268L7. (SESSION: 52276, PROCESS: 97)
Mar 16, 2020, 5:11:03 PM ANR0986I Process 97 for MOVE DATA running in the BACKGROUND processed 1 items for a total of 10,487,247,280 bytes with a completion state of FAILURE at 05:11:03 PM. (SESSION: 52276, PROCESS: 97)
Mar 16, 2020, 5:11:03 PM ANR1893E Process 97 for MOVE DATA completed with a completion state of FAILURE. (SESSION: 52276, PROCESS: 97)

The relevant error here appears to be ANR1880W Server transaction was canceled because of a conflicting lock on table AF_SEGMENTS.. Try restarting the MOVE DATA command again.

TSM Operations Center 404 Error /oc

If the Operations Center isn't loading at https://hostname:11090/oc, try to restart the GUI server.

# /etc/init.d/opscenter.rc restart
Stopping server guiServer.
Server guiServer stopped.
Starting server guiServer.
Server guiServer started with process ID 61013.

Backup of Snapshot Fails: New file list is missing or empty.

When using mmbackup with the -S option, I got this:

mmbackup: Backup of /gpfs begins at Thu Jun 11 14:16:03 MDT 2020.
DEBUGtsbackup33: /usr/lpp/mmfs/bin/mmapplypolicy "/gpfs/.snapshots/tsm-2020-06-11" -g /gpfs/.mmbackupCfg -N tsm-ib -S 'tsm-2020-06-11' --qos maintenance  -P /var/mmfs/mmbackup/.mmbackupRules.gpfs0 -I prepare -f /gpfs/.mmbackupCfg/prepFiles --irule0 --sort-buffer-size=5%
Thu Jun 11 14:16:07 2020 mmbackup:Scanning file system gpfs0

Thu Jun 11 15:58:55 2020 mmbackup:New list file /gpfs/.mmbackupCfg/prepFiles/list.mmbackup.1.CHGI_TSM01 is missing or empty.
Do the TSM include/exclude rules exclude all contents of /gpfs for TSM server CHGI_TSM01 ?
Thu Jun 11 15:58:55 2020 mmbackup:No changed or deleted files for gpfs0 since mmbackup was last invoked.
Thu Jun 11 15:58:55 2020 mmbackup:Incremental backup completely failed.
        TSM had 0 severe errors and returned 0. See the TSM log file for more information.
        0 files had errors,
 TSM exit status:  exit 12

mmbackup: Backup of /gpfs completed with errors at Thu Jun 11 15:58:56 MDT 2020.
mmbackup: Command failed. Examine previous error messages to determine cause.

I noticed that the inclexcl rules also excluded all '.snapshots' paths:

INCLEXCL                            56             No     exclude /.../.snapshots/.../*
INCLEXCL                            59             No     Exclude.dir /.../.snapshots/*
INCLEXCL                            60             No     Exclude.dir /.../.snapshots

I removed all the rules listed above and re-ran the backups.

I did add these rules out of precaution, but I don't think they actually do any good as the policy prefixed the /gpfs/.snapshots/snapshot-name path to them.

INCLEXCL                            58             No     exclude.dir /gpfs/[a-z,A-Z,0-9,_]*/.snapshots/*
INCLEXCL                            59             No     exclude.dir /gpfs/[a-z,A-Z,0-9,_]*/.snapshots/.../*

TSM cannot handle paths with special symbols

Backup jobs fails when filenames contain special characters used by TSM's regex. These include '?' and '*'. Double quotes also cause issue as well.

Some events I saw for each invalid symbol:

Jun 12, 2020, 10:05:13 AM ANE4005E Error processing '/gpfs/home/xyz/index/index.html?C=D;O=A': file not found (SESSION: 13290)
Jun 12, 2020, 10:05:13 AM ANE4005E Error processing '/gpfs/home/xyz/index/index.html?C=S;O=D.1': file not found (SESSION: 13290)
Jun 12, 2020, 10:05:13 AM ANE4005E Error processing '/gpfs/home/xyz/index/index.html?C=N;O=D.1': file not found (SESSION: 13290)
Jun 12, 2020, 9:30:14 AM ANE4005E Error processing '/gpfs/home/xyz/assignments_corrected*': file not found (SESSION: 13222)
Jun 12, 2020, 9:18:20 AM ANE4005E Error processing '/gpfs/home/xyz/ORTHONOME/*.info': file not found (SESSION: 13199)
Jun 12, 2020, 9:49:14 AM ANE4901E The following object contains one or more unmatched quotation marks and cannot be processed: '"/gpfs/home/xyz/testdir/ ab/c"d/efg"'. (SESSION: 13263)

What kind of crap solution can't handle these filenames.

See Also

Additionally, is an online community around TSM help.