Alpine Linux

From Leo's Notes
Last edited on 30 December 2021, at 21:13.

Alpine Linux is a lightweight Linux distribution based on musl libc and Busybox.

This distribution is commonly found as the base OS for container images due to its small footprint. It's also an attractive option as a minimal Linux distribution since everything is kept minimalistic (no systemd).

Package Management[edit | edit source]

Packages are handled using the apk utility.

Command Description
apk update Update repo metadata
apk upgrade Upgrades all installed packages on the system
apk search $package Search for a specific package
apk add $package [$package2 ...] Installs or updates the packages
apk add --no-cache $packages Install without relying on any local caches (otherwise, you may need to delete /var/cache/apk/* to maintain small container/VM images)
apk add --update-cache $packages Update metadata first before installing or updating packages.
apk add --virtual=$name $packages Install packages under a virtual package name. All packages installed will be collected in this virtual package name. This is useful if you need to later uninstall this collection of packages as you only need to uninstall the virtual package.
apk del $package Uninstalls a package
apk del --purge $name Uninstalls packages including all configuration files and any other files from cache.

Service Management[edit | edit source]

Command Description
rc-status Show the current runlevel
rc-status --list Show all available runlevels
rc $runlevel Change the current runlevel
rc-service --list List all services
rc-update add $service [$runlevel] Enable a service on the specified runlevel (or default if not given)
rc-update del $service Remove the service from the default runlevel
rc-service $service start

/etc/init.d/$service start

Start a service
rc-service $service restart

/etc/init.d/$service restart

Restart a service
rc-service $service stop

/etc/init.d/$service stop

Stop a service

Tasks[edit | edit source]

Removing unnecessary firmware files[edit | edit source]

Alpine Linux installs a bunch of unnecessary firmware packages. You can remove these by running:

# apk add linux-firmware-none

Update Kernel parameters[edit | edit source]

Edit /etc/update-extlinux.conf, and change the value at default_kernel_opts.

Run update-extlinux to update grub.

Set a static IP address[edit | edit source]

Network configuration in Alpine Linux is set in /etc/network/interfaces.

If you are using DHCP:

auto eth0
iface eth0 inet dhcp

If you want to set a static IP address:

auto eth0
iface eth0 inet static
        hostname alpine-vm1

Apply changes by restarting networking:

# /etc/init.d/networking restart

## or with service
# service networking restart

See Also[edit | edit source]