Simple search / replace
Global search and replace:
$ sed 's/<search>/<replace>/g'
To replace only the first match:
$ sed '0,/<search>/s//<replace>/'
Modifying a file directly
The search and replace above only does things inline but doesn't modify the file. In order to operate on a file directly, use the -i filename
$ sed -i "s/search/replace/g" /path/to/file
You can also glob multiple files.
$ sed -i -e "s/search/replace/g" files*.txt
Recursively search and replace
$ grep -lRZ 'search' . | xargs -0 -l sed -i -e 's/search/replace/g'
Remove HTML tags
$ sed -e 's/<[^>]*>//g' <file>
Remove File Extensions
$ sed 's/\(.*\)\..*/\1/'
$ echo "house.txt" | sed 's/\(.*\)\..*/\1/' # returns 'house'
Delete Matching Line
$ sed '/someline/d'
Inserting a Line Before/After a Match
Use: 0,/<regex>/s//<replacement text where \0 is the found line>/
## Add a password line before the first title entry in the grub.conf file.
$ sed -i "0,/^title/s//password --encrypted $Password\n\n\0/" $GrubConfig
To append after, just put \0 before your replacement text.
Another example: To add
in a systemd service file:
# lightdm takes responsibility for stopping plymouth, so if it fails
# for any reason, make sure plymouth still stops
Running this will append an 'After' dependency to the service file before the service section.
# sed -i "0,/^\[Service\]/s//\n\n\0/" /usr/lib/systemd/system/lightdm.service
Grab Specific Section using Regex
To grab a specific section of a string, for instance '3' in 'Server time offset: 3':
$ echo 'Server time offset: 3' | sed -n -e 's/.*: \([0-9]*\)/\1/p'
This can also be done with grep, though it isn't regex:
$ echo 'Server time offset: 3' | /bin/grep -ohE '[0-9]*'
Join Every Other Line
To join every other line, useful for making key:value pairs, use:
'$!N;s/\n/ /'
Removing Newlines
If the output you have is wrapped with newlines indented in by a known amount, such as:
Fri Jul 24 19:21:55: Dispatched 1 Task(s) on Host(s) <node008>, Allocated 1 Slo
t(s) on Host(s) <node008>, Effective RES_REQ <select[type
== local] order[r15s:pg] >;
You can use sed to replace a newline followed by a specific number of spaces to make this one whole line again:
# cat above | sed ':a;N;$!ba;s/\n //g'
Fri Jul 24 19:21:55: Dispatched 1 Task(s) on Host(s) <node008>, Allocated 1 Slot(s) on Host(s) <node008>, Effective RES_REQ <select[type == local] order[r15s:pg] >;
My understanding of how this works is:
creates a new label 'a'N
to join next line to the current line$!
if the last command failed (no more new lines?), branch to label a- Otherwise, with the next line joined, we search and replace (like usual) by searcing for
and replacing it with nothing.
Place a key=value pair in its own line
sed -r 's/[[:alnum:]]+=/\n&/g'