Number of Files Opened

From Leo's Notes
Last edited on 5 October 2022, at 00:25.

Linux allows you to control how many opened file descriptors a user can have at any one time.

System-wide settings[edit | edit source]

To show the number of files opened on a system, run:

Description Command
Read the current file descriptor numbers. 3 values are:
  • Current number of opened files
  • Number of free allocated file descriptors
  • Maximum number of file descriptors for the whole system
# cat /proc/sys/fs/file-nr
7552    0       9223372036854775807
Maximum number of file descriptiors.
# cat /proc/sys/fs/file-max
Set the number of file descriptors
## Via /proc
# cat 99999 > /proc/sys/fs/file-nr

## Via sysctl
# sysctl -w fs.file-max=99999

## Edit /etc/sysctl.conf so it applies on boot
# echo "fs.file-max = 99999" >> /etc/sysctl.conf

User session setting[edit | edit source]

On typical Linux distributions using PAM, user's session's limits are controlled by editing /etc/security/limits.conf and are applied by the module (Enabled when using session required in the system-auth config)

A user can check their current session's limits with ulimit on the bash shell.

Description What
Max number of files opened
# ulimit -n

## Soft limit
# ulimit -Sn

## Hard limit
# ulimit -Hn
This tells you that the maximum number of files you can have in this session is 1024 files.
Temporarily set a new limit
# ulimit -n 65536

Sets both the hard and soft limit for the shell's session. Cannot exceed the limits defined in /etc/security/limits.conf.

To change a user's soft and hard file limits, add the following lines to /etc/security/limits.conf:

## In /etc/security/limits.conf
username soft nofile 16384
username hard nofile 32768

The user will have to re-login for these new limits to be applied.

Systemd service[edit | edit source]

Services that are started by systemd will not adhere to the limits specified in the /etc/security/limits.conf file (because those are set by PAM?). You will have to change the service file and specify the limits there instead.

For example:

Description=Galaxy Web Service

# ExecStop=/galaxy/ stop
# ExecReload=/galaxy/ restart



Checking if limits are set properly[edit | edit source]

Each process's limits are available under /proc/$pid/limits. You can read this file to check whether a max file limit value is being set properly.

Other limit directives[edit | edit source]

Directive        ulimit equivalent     Unit
LimitCPU=        ulimit -t             Seconds      
LimitFSIZE=      ulimit -f             Bytes
LimitDATA=       ulimit -d             Bytes
LimitSTACK=      ulimit -s             Bytes
LimitCORE=       ulimit -c             Bytes
LimitRSS=        ulimit -m             Bytes
LimitNOFILE=     ulimit -n             Number of File Descriptors 
LimitAS=         ulimit -v             Bytes
LimitNPROC=      ulimit -u             Number of Processes 
LimitMEMLOCK=    ulimit -l             Bytes
LimitLOCKS=      ulimit -x             Number of Locks 
LimitSIGPENDING= ulimit -i             Number of Queued Signals 
LimitMSGQUEUE=   ulimit -q             Bytes
LimitNICE=       ulimit -e             Nice Level 
LimitRTPRIO=     ulimit -r             Realtime Priority  
LimitRTTIME=     No equivalent