
From Leo's Notes
Last edited on 1 October 2019, at 20:42.

Pacman is the package manager for Arch Linux.

Usage[edit | edit source]

Configuration files are stored in /etc/pacman

Task Command
Update repository metadata
# pacman -Syy
Install a package by name
# pacman -S packageName groupName
Remove a package by name
# pacman -R packageName

With dependencies

# pacman -Rsc packageName
System-wide upgrade
# pacman -Syu
Upgrade a package
# pacman -Syyu packageName
Search for a package
# pacman -Ss packageName
List installed packages
# dpkg -l
Determine which package provided a file
# pacman -Qo <path to file>
Determine what package provides a file Install the pkgfile utility
# pacman -S pkgfile

Update the repo:

# pkgfile --update

Then to search:

# pkgfile -s lspci