
From Leo's Notes
Last edited on 30 December 2021, at 02:05.

Some notes on accents in English.


Replace With Description Examples
w v 'w' and 'v' sounds are identical. Wine 'vine'
ð , θ z 'th' sounds voiced or unvoiced should become 'z' or 's' Thanks 'zanks'

this 'zees'

that 'zaht'

s z 's' sounds can also be voiced as 'z', or ʃ as 'sch' so much, 'zo much'

speak, 'schpeak'

ər ə '-er' becomes 'a' as is typical in German, similar to RP? water, 'wat-ta'
d t 'd' are stronger, similar to 't' sounds. red, 'rett'

bed, 'bett'

ʤ 'j' becomes 'tsch' jingle 'tschingle'

jazz 'tschazz'

Other tips:

  • Long vowels becomes shorter
  • consonants are emphasized
  • staccato like pronunciation
  • -ble becomes '-bel'. 'horrible'