MIPS Instruction Set
The MIPS instruction set is relatively easy to read since all instructions are 32 bits.
There are 4 types of instructions (though R and FR are basically the same):
- R instructions - where all the data values used by the instruction are located in registers.
- FR instructions - Like the R instructions but used for floating point numbers.
- I instructions - where the instruction must operate on an immediate value and a register value. Immediate values may be a maximum of 16 bits long.
- J instructions - where jumps are needed. The immediate jump offset can be up to 26 bits
See: https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/MIPS_Assembly/Instruction_Formats
MIPS overview
Instruction | Name | Action | Fields | |||||
R instruction | Used when all the data values used by the instruction are located in registers. | Opcode
6 bits |
Reg Source
(rs, 5 bits) |
Reg Source
(rt, 5 bits) |
Reg Dest
(rd, 5 bits) |
(shamt) 5 bits |
6 bits | |
I instruction | Used when the instruction must operate on an immediate value and a register value.
Immediate values may be a maximum of 16 bits long. |
6 bits |
Reg Source
(rs, 5 bits) |
Reg Source
(rt, 5 bits) |
Immediate value
16 bits | |||
J instruction | Used when jumps are needed.
The immediate jump offset can be up to 26 bits |
6 bits |
Address (26 bits) | |||||
Arithmetic Logic Unit | ||||||||
ADD rd, rs, rt
Add | rd = rs + rt
000000 | rs | rt | rd | 00000 | 100000 |
ADDI rt, rs, imm
Add Immediate | rt = rs + imm
001000 | rs | rt | imm | ||
ADDIU rt, rs, imm
Add Immediate Unsigned (no 2's complement) | rt = rs + imm
001001 | rs | rt | imm | ||
ADDU rd, rs, rt
Add Unsigned | rd = rs + rt
000000 | rs | rt | rd | 00000 | 100001 |
SUB rd, rs, rt
Subtract | rd = rs - rt
000000 | rs | rt | rd | 00000 | 100010 |
SUBU rd, rs, rt
Subtract Unsigned | rd = rs - rt
000000 | rs | rt | rd | 00000 | 100011 |
AND rd, rs, rt
And | rd = rs & rt
000000 | rs | rt | rd | 00000 | 100100 |
ANDI rt, rs, imm
And Immediate | rt = rs & imm
001100 | rs | rt | imm | ||
NOR rd, rs, rt
NOR | rd = ~(rs|rt)
000000 | rs | rt | rd | 00000 | 100111 |
OR rd, rs, rt
OR | rd = rs|rt
000000 | rs | rt | rd | 00000 | 100101 |
ORI rt, rs, imm
OR Immediate | rt = rs|imm
001101 | rs | rt | imm | ||
SLT rd, rs, rt
Set On Less Than | rd = (rs < rt) ? 1 : 0
000000 | rs | rt | rd | 00000 | 101010 |
SLTI rt, rs, imm
Set On Less Than Immediate | rt = (rs < imm) ? 1 : 0
001010 | rs | rt | imm | ||
SLTIU rt, rs, imm
Set On < Immediate Unsigned | rt = (rs < imm) ? 1 : 0
001011 | rs | rt | imm | ||
SLTU rd, rs, rt
Set On Less Than Unsigned | rd = (rs < rt) ? 1 : 0
000000 | rs | rt | rd | 00000 | 101011 |
XOR rd, rs, rt
Exclusive OR | rd = rs ^ rt
000000 | rs | rt | rd | 00000 | 100110 |
XORI rt, rs, imm
Exclusive OR Immediate | rt = rs ^ imm
001110 | rs | rt | imm | ||
Logical Shifts | ||||||||
SLL rd, rt, sa
Shift Left Logical | rd = rt << sa
000000 | rs | rt | rd | sa | 000000 |
SLLV rd, rt, rs
Shift Left Logical Variable | rd = rt << rs
000000 | rs | rt | rd | 00000 | 000100 |
SRA rd, rt, sa
Shift Right Arithmetic | rd = rt >> sa
000000 | rs=00000 | rt | rd | sa | 000011 |
SRAV rd, rt, rs
Shift Right Arithmetic Variable | rd = rt >> rs
000000 | rs | rt | rd | 00000 | 000111 |
SRL rd, rt, sa
Shift Right Logical | rd = rt >> sa
000000 | rs | rt | rd | sa | 000010 |
SRLV rd, rt, rs
Shift Right Logical Variable | rd = rt >> rs
000000 | rs | rt | rd | 00000 | 000110 |
Multiply | ||||||||
DIV rs, rt
Divide | HI= rs % rt; LO = rs/rt
000000 | rs | rt | 0000000000 | 011010 | |
DIVU rs, rt
Divide Unsigned | HI= rs % rt; LO = rs/rt
000000 | rs | rt | 0000000000 | 011011 | |
Move From HI | rd = HI
000000 | 0000000000 | rd | 00000 | 010000 | |
Move From LO | rd = LO
000000 | 0000000000 | rd | 00000 | 010010 | |
Move To HI register | HI= rs
000000 | rs | 000000000000000 | 010001 | ||
Move To LO register | LO = rs
000000 | rs | 000000000000000 | 010011 | ||
MULT rs, rt
Multiply | HI, LO = rs*rt
000000 | rs | rt | 0000000000 | 011000 | |
MULTU rs, rt
Multiply Unsigned | HI, LO = rs*rt
000000 | rs | rt | 0000000000 | 011001 | |
Branch | ||||||||
BEQ rs, rt, offset
Branch On Equal | if (rs == rt) pc = pc + 4 + offset
000100 | rs | rt | offset | ||
BGEZ rs, offset
Branch On >= 0 | if (rs >= 0) pc = pc + 4 + offset
000001 | rs | rt=00001 | offset | ||
BGEZAL rs, offset
Branch On >= 0 and link. Saves return address in $ra | $ra = pc; if (rs>= 0) pc = pc + 4 + offset
000001 | rs | rt=10001 | offset | ||
BGTZ rs, offset
Branch On > 0 | if (rs>0) pc = pc + 4 + offset
000111 | rs | rt=00000 | offset | ||
BLEZ rs, offset
Branch On | if (rs<= 0) pc = pc + 4 + offset
000110 | rs | rt=00000 | offset | ||
BLTZ rs, offset
Branch On < 0 | if (rs<0) pc = pc + 4 + offset
000001 | rs | rt=00000 | offset | ||
BLTZAL rs, offset
Branch On < 0 and link. Saves return address in $ra | $ra = pc; if (rs<0) pc = pc + 4 + offset
000001 | rs | rt=10000 | offset | ||
BNE rs, rt, offset
Branch On Not Equal | if (rs != rt) pc = pc + 4 + offset
000101 | rs | rt | offset | ||
bgt $1,$2,100
branch on greater than | if ($1 > $2) pc = pc + 4 + 100
Pseudo instruction | |||||
bge $1,$2,100
branch on greater than or equal | if ($1 >= $2) pc = pc + 4 + 100
Pseudo instruction | |||||
blt $1,$2,100
branch on less than | if ($1 < $2) pc = pc + 4 + 100
Pseudo instruction | |||||
ble $1,$2,100
branch on less than or equal | if ($1 <= $2) pc = pc + 4 + 100
Pseudo instruction | |||||
Breakpoint | epc = pc; pc = 0x3c
000000 | code | 001101 | |||
J target
Jump | pc = pc_upper|(target<<2)
000010 | target | ||||
JAL target
Jump and link.
Saves return address in $ra |
$ra = pc + 4; pc = target<<2
000011 | target | ||||
JR rs
Jump register | pc = rs
000000 | rs | rt=00000 | rd=00000 | 00000 | 001000 |
Jump and link register.
Like JR, but return address saved in specified register. |
$ra = pc + 4; pc = rs
000000 | rs | rt=00000 | rd | 00000 | 001001 |
MFC0 rt, rd
Move From Coprocessor | rt = CPR[0, rd]
010000 | 00000 | rt | rd | 00000000000 | |
MTC0 rt, rd
Move To Coprocessor | CPR[0, rd]= rt
010000 | 00100 | rt | rd | 00000000000 | |
System Call | epc = pc; pc = 0x3c
000000 | 00000000000000000000 | 001100 | |||
Memory Access | ||||||||
LB rt, imm(rs)
Load Byte | rt = (char) Mem[rs + imm]
100000 | rs | rt | imm | ||
LBU rt, imm(rs)
Load Byte Unsigned | rt = (uchar) Mem[rs + imm]
100100 | rs | rt | imm | ||
LH rt, imm(rs)
Load Halfword, 2 bytes | rt = (short) Mem[rs + imm]
100001 | rs | rt | imm | ||
LHU rt, imm(rs)
Load Halfword Unsigned | rt = (ushort) Mem[rs + imm]
100101 | rs | rt | imm | ||
LW rt, imm(rs)
Load Word, 4 bytes. | rt = Mem[rs + imm]
100011 | rs | rt | imm | ||
LUI rt, imm
Load Upper Immediate | rt = imm << 16
001111 | rs=00000 | rt | imm | ||
SB rt, imm(rs)
Store (least significant) byte | Mem[rs + imm] = (byte) rt
101000 | rs | rt | imm | ||
SH rt, imm(rs)
Store (least significant) halfword content of rt | Mem[rs + imm] = (short) rt
101001 | rs | rt | imm | ||
SW rt, imm(rs)
Store content of rt in memory | Mem[rs + imm] = rt
101011 | rs | rt | imm |
Pseudo instructions
There are pseudo instructions that are provided by your assembler and are converted to multiple instructions. Think of these as assembler macros.
See: https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/MIPS_Assembly/Pseudoinstructions
move $1, $2
Move data from one register to another | $1 = $2
li $1,100
Loads immediate value into register | $1 = 100
la $1,label
Loads computed address of label (not its contents) into register | $1 = Address of label
bgt $1,$2,100
branch on greater than | if ($1 > $2) pc = pc + 4 + 100
bge $1,$2,100
branch on greater than or equal | if ($1 >= $2) pc = pc + 4 + 100
blt $1,$2,100
branch on less than | if ($1 < $2) pc = pc + 4 + 100
ble $1,$2,100
branch on less than or equal | if ($1 <= $2) pc = pc + 4 + 100
abs $1, $2
Puts the absolute value from one register ao another | $1 = abs($2) |
No operation. This can be done by running SLL $0 $0 $0 or 32bits of 0's.
All the register fields are 5 bits in size giving us 32 registers in total to work with.
All 32 registers are listed in the following table.
Register | Decimal | Binary | Comments |
Always zero |
used for temporary values within pseudo commands |
used for returning values from functions
first and second, respectively. |
| |
used for the first 4 function arguments. |
| |
| |
| |
temporary registers. 8 in total |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
Saved values representing final computed results |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
Two additional temporary registers |
| |
Registers reserved for the kernel / operating system |
| |
Global pointer |
Stack pointer |
Frame pointer |
Return address |